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Arctic Zone
Jeremiah Douglas
Jeremiah Douglas is the youngest son of Katherine Oke.
He has traveled all over North America and has been to the Arctic many times. Jeremiah is a board member of Canadian Aboriginal Aids Network and a public speaker for Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada and Kimamow Atoskanow Foundation.
Douglas has written a book on his life story called "A Life Not Worth Taking".
He has been creating art since 1985 and has pieces all over the world. He has a seventeen-year-old daughter.
Katherine Oke
Katherine is the second oldest of seven children. Her father was a Mohawk native from Kanesatake Mohawk Territory in Oka, Quebec, and her mother is of Mohawk descent from Kanawake, Quebec.
Katherine has been an artist since 1992. She and her son Jeremiah Douglas have artwork in many countries around the world.
Katherine is 73 years old and has three children, six grandchildren and one great-grandson. Katherine moved to Calgary, Alberta in 1973 from Toronto, Ontario with her three children.
Every summer Katherine and Jeremiah set up a kiosk on Stephen Avenue Walk in downtown Calgary for three months.