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Arctic Zone
by Jeremiah Douglas (Douglas Gauld)

204 pages
quality trade paperback (softcover)
catalogue #06-0997
ISBN 1-4120-9243-4
softcover: $25 hardcover $30 (+GST)
Have you stopped to read a book full of choices involving all elements of crime, passion, love, anger, denial and success? Read on.
About The Book
I wrote this book so that people could understand it is not what you do in life that makes you a success, but rather, how and by what methods you use.
When I traveled and did all that I wrote about, I did not do it on the pretense that I would write a book. But I did, and hopefully through this book people can look at the world as their playground and it must be respected, much like ourselves.
The fact that I say to people "ignorance is bliss to those who live in it" I myself wanted to and still am on an adventure. But my life is so full of choices that people still say to me "aren't you dead yet?"
Well I guess I made the right choices and have made my own success story. So it's not always about money, sex, drugs, power and how one looks in the other's eyes. But more about life's choices, and whether they are the right choices for you and your lifestyle.
Author Bio
Jeremiah Douglas was born in Toronto, Ontario on August 21st, 1960. His father came from Aberdeenshire, Scotland and his mother is a Native Mohawk woman whose ancestors came from Kanesatake, Quebec.
He has one older brother and one older sister, one daughter, three nephews and two nieces.
At the age of nine he was placed in the care of the Ontario Children's Aid Society. He remained in their care until the age of twelve. He finally came home but was constantly running away and finally ran away at the age of thirteen. His family never saw him again for three years although he contacted them from time to time from all over the United States and Canada.
He got into trouble again and was gone from home for three more years.
He finally came home in the winter of 1992 to stay after being diagnosed with HIV and Hepatitis C from a blood transfusion he received as a result of being stabbed in Vancouver in 1986. He has had 6 major operations to repair his badly broken leg.
Jeremiah started going to a clinic in Calgary in the spring of 1992 that was doing research on different drugs for AIDS/HIV. Today he is still a patient at that clinic. He goes faithfully to see the doctor and takes his medications. Some of the drugs they gave him made him very sick and there were side affects to others such as thrush, kidney problems and a general feeling of being unwell.
Now 23 years later, Jeremiah has no trace of HIV and his body has healed itself of Hep C. Both viruses have been undetectable in his body for 14 years.
He worked for the University Of Alberta and took part in their "Challenging Lifestyles Research" project. From there he has become a well known speaker at many foundations across Canada and travels all over Canada and the Arctic doing seminars on HIV/AIDS.